Seeing as I was late in getting my report done last month I have had this one started for a couple of days. I have noticed that the new band saw has a couple of things on it that need to be clarified. Firstly the speed control has been set at 2100 to 2200 rpm please DO NOT alter this, secondly the locking handle on the fence does not need to pushed down to a vertical position, a gentle action to a horizontal position is sufficient pressure to hold the fence in place. If you have any queries on this feel free to contact me and I will run you through the safety on this machine.
The good news is we have nearly finished the workshop revamp with 4 last items to be completed. The new tool storeroom is nearly completed, if you haven’t visited the club rooms please do so as everything is taking shape and falling into place as per the plans. We should have everything finished later this month.
Thank you to all the members who gave up their time on a Monday morning to help it is greatly appreciated.
Martin Lawley