Pen Making

This group looks at all aspects of wood pen making. The equipment and materials needed for pen turning and the important process of preparing the blanks from simple wood blanks to segmented and resin cast blanks. Come along and create your own heirloom writing instrument.

For the month of October the theme will be Celtic Knot pen blanks, come along if you would like to have go at making some Blanks.

In November we will follow on from the Celtic Knots and Learn to make some Chevrons.

Merry Xmas to all in December enjoy your break and look forward to seeing the New Year.

Pen Project

The Albury Wodonga Woodcrafters were recently comissioned to create 200 handcrafted pens, along with a display case.

The groups came together to put in many hours, and were able to complete this project well within the time constraints.

A massive thank you is well deserving to everyone who participated in the project. The club could not have done this without you.

The video below has been kindly provided by the client, as a highlight to the project.


Upcoming Events @ The Workshop