Hello Everyone,
Yes, I’m back from my travels and ready to start. After 6 years as our representative on the Wodonga Showgrounds Committee Colin Storey has retired and has passed the mantle to Jane Manning, thank you Colin for your work on the committee to the benefit of the club. Now welcome to Jane for coming on to take up the position and thank you for doing so Jane.
Now for some really fantastic news. Last year, at the beginning of December we applied for a large grant through the V.M.S.A. to the Victorian State Government and at the beginning of this Month we were notified that our application was successful. Well done to all involved. With this grant we can move forward with the purchase and installation of a new dust extraction system.
The 16th of March is the Wodonga Show and we are holding a woodwork exhibition Lex has been busy with getting things organized and I am now involved with the finishing off process. To most of us this is something new, so fell free to come along and be involved as it a great community builder.
Now I have a few members to thank for filling in for me while I was away, to all of you thank you for doing so it much appreciated.
Martin Lawley