Since our last meeting a lot has been happening in the workshop and planning is underway for more improvements:
- 3 New lathes & stands plus replacement of lost or worn-out parts have been installed.
- New drop saw for fine cutting work & benches for both saws have been installed.
- New lease entered for the Cottage through till 2026.
- Design & Quotes for full dust extraction unit have been undertaken.
- Grant application submitted for part funding of Dust extraction unit (men’s shed).
- Grant application submitted for funding to update the Airconditioning in the meeting room (men’s shed).
- Grant application submitted for new Thicknesser, Jointer, Dishwasher & 2 Mag lights for pyro group (Veterans’ affairs).
- Grant applications summitted for Airconditioning to new extension (Wodonga Council).
- Grant application being prepared for 3 Magnetic lights for lathes (Charles Stuart University).
- Successful negotiations with the Wodonga show society for the whole rear section of the wood storage shed and the use of their Tractor for an additional $30 per month.
Martin is currently jet setting around New Zealand and wish him safe travels back.